Why am I passionate about this?

I am inspired and driven by a lifelong curiosity about the larger framework of complexities and interconnectedness of evolution and its impact on our environment. Since childhood, this fascination has fueled my science career and compelled me to explore various viewpoints on the subject. My aim is not merely to grasp the direction of evolution but to unveil aspects of its driving force, empowering us to become more aware of the diverse avenues available for personal development. I appreciate these books for their valuable insights, which contribute to demystifying our evolutionary path and enriching the importance of mindfulness, intention, and emotional awareness as key components of our growth.

I wrote...

Activating Our 12-Stranded DNA: Secrets of Dodecahedral DNA for Completing Our Human Evolution

By Ruslana Remennikova,

Book cover of Activating Our 12-Stranded DNA: Secrets of Dodecahedral DNA for Completing Our Human Evolution

What is my book about?

In my book, readers enter a secret world where DNA shapeshifts, vibrations heal, and intentions redefine reality. Moving beyond the…

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The books I picked & why

Book cover of The Alpha Νumeric Intelligence of the Hellenic Language

Ruslana Remennikova Why did I love this book?

This book profoundly shaped my life. I discovered Eleftherios through my astrology community; he’s an expert in mystical connections between number theory, the Pythagorean theorem, and life on Earth. After one consultation, I knew I wanted to explore gematria and its hidden wonders.

What I love most about Eleftherios’ ancient approach is how he effortlessly connects the significance of gematria to various aspects of human knowledge. Eleftherios skillfully reveals the relevance of ideas, historical events, and philosophy through numbers.

I’ve read this book at least 20 times—and plan to revisit it again—and highly recommend it to anyone seeking deeper meanings and correlation between seemingly unrelated concepts by numbers.

Book cover of Meaningful Coincidences: How and Why Synchronicity and Serendipity Happen

Ruslana Remennikova Why did I love this book?

This is a book that I will undoubtedly recommend to future generations as we collectively expand our consciousness and recognize the importance of synchronicity in our lives. 

Having collaborated with Bernie on projects related to synchronicity and consciousness, I have witnessed firsthand his immense passion and keen perceptions derived from his lifelong research on meaningful coincidences. Bernie expertly guides readers through a wealth of data and personal experiences, revealing how we can become more attuned to this critical phenomenon and its role in fostering a stronger collective consciousness.

This book builds upon Carl Jung’s pioneering work and will resonate with readers for generations to come. Bernie’s humor and personal anecdotes make it an engaging, enlightening, and truly delightful read. 

By Bernard Beitman,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked Meaningful Coincidences as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

A comprehensive exploration of the potential of coincidences to expand our understanding of reality and inspire psychological, interpersonal, and spiritual growth

* Scientific and Medical Network's Annual Book Prize for 2022

* Presents a complete catalog of coincidence patterns with numerous illustrative examples

* Defines the many uses and potential pitfalls of coincidences and highlights the situations in which they are most likely to occur

* Explores the range of explanations for coincidences, including the psychosphere as the medium through which many coincidences take place

Each of us has more to do with creating coincidences than we think. In this…

Book cover of The Secret Intelligence of Water: Macroscopic Evidence of Water Responding to Human Consciousness

Ruslana Remennikova Why did I love this book?

This book holds a prominent place on my most accessible shelf. Veda’s mesmerizing imagery, engaging descriptions, and exploration of knowledge on water-focused activities involving intention, vibration, and consciousness are truly thought-provoking.

I had the pleasure of participating in one of Veda’s workshops, where I experienced water readings through frozen crystallography firsthand. This technique greatly influenced my research and deepened my fascination with water. The underscoring idea that water holds wisdom and life-giving essences paves the way for a new frontier of knowledge and understanding in the future. 

By Veda Austin,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked The Secret Intelligence of Water as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

The Secret Intelligence of Water takes a quantum leap from the spring board of Masaru Emoto's microscopic work with ice crystals. Through macroscopic photography, and a groundbreaking new technique, researcher Veda Austin, allows us to view water as an intelligent force, with the power to respond to human consciousness in ways never before thought possible.

Focused on the stage between liquid and ice, Veda has spent the last eight years photographing water in a state of 'creation'. She uses influences such as words, thoughts, pictures or music pre freezing, and then captures water's liquid crystal response minutes later. For example,…

Book cover of The Mysticism of Sound and Music: The Sufi Teaching of Hazrat Inayat Khan

Ruslana Remennikova Why did I love this book?

This book was recommended to me by the first sound practitioner who facilitated a memorable sound healing session with me. Trusting my intuition, I decided to give it a chance. I found myself deeply engrossed in Inayat Khan’s soothing and logical approach to sound, so much so that it inspired me to embark on a similar journey of my own. Shortly after reading this book, I left my corporate life behind to write my first book and open my sound healing practice. 

This book is a true gem. Khan’s masterful presentation of abstract concepts like imagination, desire, mysticism, mortality, and immortality, and their connection to sound, has a profound, Rumi-like effect on the soul. I find myself returning to its wisdom every few months, continually reaping the rich bounty it offers. 

By Hazrat Inayat Khan,

Why should I read it?

2 authors picked The Mysticism of Sound and Music as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

The first teacher to bring Islamic mysticism to the West presents music’s divine nature and its connection to our daily lives in this poetic classic of Sufi literature
Music, according to Sufi teaching, is really a small expression of the overwhelming and perfect harmony of the whole universe—and that is the secret of its amazing power to move us. The Indian Sufi master Hazrat Inayat Khan (1882–1927), the first teacher to bring the Islamic mystical tradition to the West, was an accomplished musician himself. His lucid exposition of music's divine nature has become a modern classic, beloved not only by…

Book cover of Bottoming Out the Universe: Why There Is Something Rather than Nothing

Ruslana Remennikova Why did I love this book?

Choosing a favorite book by Richard Grossinger is incredibly challenging, given his extensive and remarkable body of work. As a prolific author, I adore Richard’s exceptional writing and gift of articulating the deepest feelings and mysteries many of us can merely feel. His passion and talent for exploring life’s greatest questions are truly inspiring.

I am captivated by this book’s enrapturing exploration of the universe’s endless riddles. His book, unique perspective, and wealth of knowledge make each of his writings a treasured piece in my collection. This book is no exception. For years to come, I will be fascinated by its thought-provoking topics on thought forms, paranormal phenomena, and reimagining the universe with a poetic and astute approach. 

By Richard Grossinger,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked Bottoming Out the Universe as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

An exploration into consciousness, the universe, and the nature of reality

* Draws on transdimensional physics and biology, reincarnation and past-life memories, animal consciousness, multiple identities, thoughtforms, soul pictures, and paranormal phenomena like crop circles and poltergeists

* Explores the riddle of personal identity and how it differs from consciousness

* Reveals that consciousness is more than encompassing all that exists--it also speaks to what has yet to manifest

Scientific orthodoxy views the universe as conceived of matter--protons, neutrons, electrons, down to the smallest particle, quarks. But, when you keep digging, what is "beneath" quarks? The scientific worldview does not…

Explore my book 😀

Activating Our 12-Stranded DNA: Secrets of Dodecahedral DNA for Completing Our Human Evolution

By Ruslana Remennikova,

Book cover of Activating Our 12-Stranded DNA: Secrets of Dodecahedral DNA for Completing Our Human Evolution

What is my book about?

In my book, readers enter a secret world where DNA shapeshifts, vibrations heal, and intentions redefine reality. Moving beyond the traditional double helix, we delve into the powerful 12-stranded dodecahedral masterpiece within us. Water and DNA harmoniously dance together, intimately responding to frequencies and intention. However, when grief enters the scene, this delicate balance can be disrupted. Fear not, for this world allies with grief, harnessing the wisdom of water and intention to stabilize our DNA, promote healing, and recreate our genetic legacy with love.

Combining ancient wisdom and modern science, discover ten special sound frequencies, dive into dreamwork, water practices, gematria, and ancestral healing to activate deep memories. Prepare for an enchanting journey as you explore your 12-stranded DNA blueprint!

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Uniting the States of America: A Self-Care Plan for a Wounded Nation

By Lyle Greenfield,

Book cover of Uniting the States of America: A Self-Care Plan for a Wounded Nation

Lyle Greenfield Author Of Uniting the States of America: A Self-Care Plan for a Wounded Nation

New book alert!

Why am I passionate about this?

I’ve always been fascinated by group dynamics, large and small. Why things functioned well, why they didn’t. It’s possible my ability to empathize and use humor as a consensus-builder is the reason I was elected president of a homeowners association, a music production association, and even an agricultural group. Books were not particularly involved in this fascination! But in recent years, experiencing the breakdown of civility and trust in our political and cultural discourse, I’ve taken a more analytical view of the dynamics. These books, in their very different ways, have taught me lessons about life, understanding those with different beliefs, and finding ways to connect and move forward. 

Lyle's book list on restoring your belief in human possibility

What is my book about?

We’ve all experienced the overwhelming level of political and social divisiveness in our country. This invisible “virus” of negativity is, in part, the result of the name-calling and heated rhetoric that has become commonplace among commentators and elected leaders alike. 

My book provides a clear perspective on the historical and modern-day causes of our nation's divisive state. It then proposes easy-to-understand solutions—an action plan for our elected leaders and citizens as well. Rather than a scholarly treatment of a complex topic, the book challenges us to take the obvious steps required of those living in a free democracy. And it…

Uniting the States of America: A Self-Care Plan for a Wounded Nation

By Lyle Greenfield,

What is this book about?

Lyle Greenfield's "Uniting the States of America―A Self-Care Plan for a Wounded Nation" is a work of nonfiction and opinion. Incorporating the lessons of history and the ideas and wisdom of many, it is intended as both an educational resource and a call-to-action for citizens concerned about the politically and culturally divided state of our Union. A situation that has raised alarm for the very future of our democracy.

First, the book clearly identifies the causes of what has become a national crisis of belief in and love for our country. How the divisiveness and hostility rampant in our political…

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